Introduction to SIMJ
Guide to the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan Awards
The Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan shall provide “The SIMJ Awards regulations” according to the article 4(4) of the Articles of the Society. The SIMJ shall announce “The SIMJ Awards” in the September and November issue of the Journal and get recommendations of candidates for each award every year. The SIMJ shall carry out presenting the awards after “The Society-award nomination Committee” has made its nomination and the Board of Directors has approved the nominees. The Society-Awards are as follows,
(1) Distinguished Service Award
Those who have been regular members, special supporting members or representatives of supporting members for more than 20 years and have made distinguished contributions in developing the Society.
(2) Science Award
Those who have been regular members for more than 8 years and submitted a distinguished thesis or a valuable article to the SIMJ Journal etc. have made distinguished performance in developing the academy.
(3) Technical Achievement Award
Those who have been regular members, registered representatives of regular member groups or supporting members, or individuals or groups who belong to the organization for more than 5 years and have developed excellent technique and also have made distinguished contributions in developing this industry.
(4) Dr. Nagai Memorial Incentive Award
Those who have been regular members for more than 5 years and submitted a distinguished thesis to the SIMJ Journal etc. and are less than 40 years old at that time being recommended to the Award.
(5) Production Technical Award
Those who have been supporting members for more than 5 years and have worked for production technology for more than 20 years and have got an excellent achievement.
A certificate and extra prize according to the regulations are awarded to each nominee at the end of the following General Meeting.