Main Activities
Instructions for Submission
Instructions for Submission to the “Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan” (Revision on July 23, 2009)
- 1.1
- Each manuscript must be prepared on the basis of the “Rules for Submission to the “Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan” and the “Instructions for Submission to the “Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan”. Authors must refer to the format in the latest “Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan” (J-SIMJ).
- 1.2
- In principle, authors are advised to prepare the manuscript using a word processor. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication are requested to provide an original copy of the final (revised) version and its electronic file on a floppy disk (see Article 2.5).
- 1.3
- A revised manuscript must be resubmitted as soon as possible. When the manuscript is not resubmitted within three months, SIMJ may discard it because the authors have shown no intentions of resubmitting the manuscript.
- 1.4
- Authors can correct proofs once. The correction may be made only in the case of the printer’s errors. Other corrections/addition of words and phrases are not permitted. The corrected proofs must be sent back to the SIMJ by express mail within two days after the authors receive them.
- 1.5
- When the SIMJ headquarters fail to receive the corrected proofs by the due date, the staff members may correct the proofs themselves and finish the procedures.
- 2.1
- Each manuscript should be typewritten in double space on A4-sized white paper using a word processor with 24 characters × 32 lines (three typed pages correspond to one page of printed article).
- 2.2
- The standard lengths of the printed articles are as follows: Original Paper: Six pages
Note: Four pages
Special Review: Eight pages
Review, Report, Serial Lecture: Six pages - 2.3
- A manuscript should be written in one-column format and exclude figures and tables (see Article 5.1).
- 2.4
- A manuscript should have the minimum length consistent with clarity.
- 2.5
- The Arabic numerals must be used for numbers, except for special expressions.
- 2.6
- When numbers and general symbols are described in the sentences, variables are printed in italics, and the subscript and superscript must be stated clearly.
- 3.1
- The first page of a manuscript should provide the following items: (1) kind of article, (2) title in English, (3) authors’ names (membership number) in English, (4) formal names of authors’ affiliations and addresses in English, (5) abstract in English, (6) key-words in English, (7) name of the responsible author and address for contact (zip code, place of the authors’ affiliations, bureau/department/section, telephone, facsimile, e-mail address, etc. ). No need to specify items (5) and (6) in the case of Special Reviews and Reviews. No need to specify items (4), (5), (6) and (7) in the case of Reports, Serial Lectures and Crystal.
- 3.2
- In principle, the title should clearly reflect the concrete content. The words “On” and “Study of”, and chemical formulae are to be avoided.
- 3.3
- Around five key-words that show exactly the content of the manuscript must be selected.
- 3.4
- Sections in the text may be divided into the following order: 1, 1・1, 1・1・1, a).
- 3.5
- The brand name should not be published except in Special Reports.
- 3.6
- Special Reviews, Reviews and Reports articles must include the authors’ self-introduction.
The SIMJ insists on the use of SI units and SI derived units. For example, m, cm, mm, mm, g, cm2, cm3, %, h(hour), min(minute), t(ton), 40-42。C, N(Newton), Pa(Pascal, J(Joule), K(Kelvin), km・h-1, mol・dm-3, W・m-1・K-1, etc.
- 5.1
- Each figure (a photograph is also regarded as a figure) and table should be written on an A4-sized piece of paper on a separate page.
- 5.2
- Figure and table captions, and expressions of symbols must be described in English in the case of Original Papers and Notes.
- 5.3
- Authors are requested to draw figures carefully (including numerals of axis, caption of axis, characters in the figure) and arrange each table in order to print them directly. For details refer to the attached figure.
- 5.4
- Figure size is no larger than 140 mm or 280 mm wide. The authors are requested to draw the figure of the character size with 12-16 points and of the line with 0.5 mm thickness. The drawn figure size must be two times as large as the printed figure size. More than 3 cm of margin are required around the figure (see the attached figure).
- 5.5
- Figure number and caption must be included in the center of the lower part (more than 3 cm separated from the figure).
- 5.6
- The place where the figure and tables are inserted must be specified in the right-side margin of the text.
- 5.7
- Figure and table numbers and their captions must be described on each figure and table, and must be presented at the end block apart from the text.
- 5.8
- The standard photograph size in the printed article is 6 cm wide. The scale must be attached to the micrograph. The scale is positioned at the right side of the lower part, and the symbol key is located at the left side of the upper part. The number of photographs should be limited to be four or fewer. When the number of photographs exceeds four, together with the case of color photographs, authors must pay for the added cost of printing.
- 5.9
- When the Editorial Board judges a figure or table to be inappropriate for the printing, the SIMJ shall retrace them with the authors’ consent. Authors will be asked to pay for the added cost of such line drawing (see Rules for Submission to the “Journal of Inorganic Materials, Japan”, Article 16).
- 5.10
- The reference number should appear not only in the text but also in the title of the figure and the table.
- 5.11
- Each table should be divided only using horizontal lines, and should be consistent
- 6.1
- References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the text, for example1), 2), 3)-5), and follow the text; some examples are shown below. Titles of the journals should be abbreviated in accordance with the Chemical Handbook (Kagaku Binran) and Chemical Abstracts. The journal of the SIMJ must be abbreviated as J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan, except for the issues published before 1999. The issues published before 1999 must include the corresponding names in parentheses.a) Names of the authors must be written in Roman letters. Each oversea journal name must be written in Italic, and each volume must be written in Gothic.
- 6.2
- 1) K. Murakami, M. Hanada, J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan (Gypsum)a), No. 5, 13-16 (1952).
2) H. Monma, J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan (Gypsum & Lime)b), No. 229, 12-17 (1990).
3) S. Goto, A. Nakamura, K. Ioku, J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan (Muki-Materiaru)c), 5, 22-27 (1990).
4) Y. Kojima, A. Matsui, T. Yasue, J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan, 14, 39-43 (2007).
5) X. H. Wang, J. G. Li, H. Kamiyama, M. Kanda, N. Ohashi, Y. Moriyoshi, T. Ishigaki, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 127, 10982-10990 (2005).
6) Q. Bao, K. Ohnishi, Y. Tanabe, E. Yasuda, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 101, 250-255 (1992).
7) T. Fukuda, D. Ehrentaut, J. Cryst. Growth, 305, 304-310 (2007).
8) V. P. McConnell, Fuel Cells Bull., 2008, No. 3, 12-15 (2008). Ref. 1)-3)
a) No.1-10 (Year 1950-1953)
b) No.11-251 (Year 1953-1994)
c) No.252-283 (Year 1994-1999)
9) F. Izumi, “The Rietveld Method”, Ed. by R. A. Young, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford (1993) p.13.
10) JCPDS card 46-1212.
11) T. Mitsuda, J. Saito, E. Hattori, “Proc. Int. Sympo. Hydrothermal Reaction, Yokohama”, (1982) p.823.
12) T. Yamada, “Title —- (Ph. D. Thesis)”, Nihon University, Japan (2009) p.123. - 6.3
- Reference to a Web site is not admitted.